I've been tracking everything I've done since starting this gratitude journey. My success has come from socializing with my friends, family, and my dogs. The effect of me socially has made me grateful for the people I have in my life and how much I actually want to spend time with them. The struggles that happened when I was focusing on the negative moments in my life, which for a while made me forget the great moments in my life. If I could redo this project, I would do what John mentioned in his blog, taking walks, because I feel time for yourself is very important for your mental health. I also enjoyed reading Pablo's journey of exercise and how it does wonders for your mental health, which has inspired me to try exercising again. What I learned about blogging is it helps keep track of your goals and allows you to see the progress you’ve made.
In My Gratitude Journal, I wrote How I was thankful for making it to all my classes(except one) even though I had a cold and was sick. I was always thankful for how I happy I was when socializing with my classmates from PSY?ENG. I'm also grateful that I was able to play with my dogs this week watching them run around crazy. I'm also glad I played UNO in my Thursday class and won which my teacher says I can get fifteen extra credit points for any assignment of my choosing. The last thing I'm grateful for is slowly coming out of my shell and being more open and myself.
I appreciate how you tie everything together at the end by including observations/inspiration from John and Pablo’s blogs!