I'm grateful that I got to see my uncles and cousins on Thanksgiving. For years since I was a baby, I would always go to my uncle's house for Thanksgiving I was practically raised in that house. I always played with my cousins, who are now all my age. I hope for more years, we can still celebrate Thanksgiving with them and in that house.
In My Gratitude Journal, I wrote How I was thankful for making it to all my classes(except one) even though I had a cold and was sick. I was always thankful for how I happy I was when socializing with my classmates from PSY?ENG. I'm also grateful that I was able to play with my dogs this week watching them run around crazy. I'm also glad I played UNO in my Thursday class and won which my teacher says I can get fifteen extra credit points for any assignment of my choosing. The last thing I'm grateful for is slowly coming out of my shell and being more open and myself.
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